Monday, July 22, 2013

Book Tour ---- Ennara and the Fallen Druid ---- Angela Myron


Eleven year-old Ennara Gaern has a serious grudge against the dragon on her right hand.

Born with a caul—a mask that foretold magical powers—she was immediately inked with the fiendish, fire-breathing tattoo that forces her to study boring texts, cover her hand continuously, and worst of all, keeps her from visiting the beautiful capital city, Dordonne. But her quiet life changes when one night she is attacked by a shadowy demon.

Tork, an old friend and wizard, is enlisted to help. But when he arrives, he informs Ennara’s parents that she is her world’s only hope of finding the legendary Sword of Gisilfrid, which is needed to destroy the curse that is creating the demons. Ennara doesn’t want to leave on the dangerous quest, but when she learns the curse threatens her world, she reluctantly agrees.

Ennara and the wizard begin a perilous journey to the Sunken City, pitting them against dangerous oceans and pirates intent on claiming Ennara’s magic as their own. With only her friends at her side, including the intelligent, aquatic cat Smoos, Ennara must defeat monsters guarding the sword and servants of the Fallen Druid. When her world is covered in darkness, will she know how to dispel the curse?



Like many writers, I have a full life in which I juggle many duties and joys. I love to cook, garden, and play with my twins. As a mother to toddlers, I write whenever I am not helping them navigate their day--which typically means in the early mornings and early afternoons when they sleep, and sometimes when Grandma comes to visit.

I was twenty-two when writing became a passion of mine. I've been doing it in one form or another ever since. But it took me a very long time to follow my heart's desire to tell stories.

For years, I simply journaled. I delved into writing articles for newsletters and grant proposals. I settled into technical writing, often finding myself a one-person writing, editing, design, app development, and publication team. I learned the basics of journalism, and finally, when on maternity leave with my twins, I turned to writing fiction.

I am grateful for every reader I have. Writing can be a solitary pursuit, but it can also be a dialog, a meeting of the minds. I invite you to connect with me:




Join my street team! Email me at to subscribe to my newsletters.

Buy Links:



Good morning and thank you Crystal for hosting me on your great blog!

What books/authors inspired me to start writing?

Well, I suppose that many writers out there would name a favorite author or series that inspired their first stories. It’s a good way to start, by emulating the characters and world that you are a fan of.

And while I have several authors and many, many books that I love and that I hope to someday write on par with, it was a nonfiction book that started me writing. It was called The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.

The Artist’s Way is a twelve-week course on tapping into your creativity. The first time I worked through the book, I was twenty-two. My roommate at the time, a dazzling red-head with a spirit that could outshine the sun, introduced me to the book. She was a painter, and while I wasn’t an artist, the course sounded interesting, so I and our third roommate joined her and we all did the course together.

Written by Julia Cameron, a screenwriter and playwrite, The Artist’s Way is, in its essence, about listening to yourself, working through some of the things in your past that might be stopping you from doing what you want to do, and intentionally placing your focus on things that inspire you in a very hands-on way.

One of the basic practices of the course, the morning pages, started my life as a writer. Through the twelve weeks—and beyond, Cameron advises—you commit to writing three pages a day. The morning pages are not a topic-driven writing exercise; rather you just write whatever comes to mind, in longhand.

Writing morning pages was difficult. It was hard to know what to write about and harder to justify the time it took to write them. But each day, after pushing through all my resistance and excuses about why I should not write the pages, I found myself in a place of clarity, focus, and peace. By writing morning pages.

As you can imagine, I became like an addict to writing three pages a day. They gave me a high level of self-awareness, confidence, understanding, and discipline. I wrote them with passion and dedication. I decided that writing wasn’t just fun or interesting. It was something I needed to do. I went back to school, switching my major from biology to professional writing, and started my career as a technical writer.

Every few years, I would re-start The Artist’s Way and continue my morning pages practice, along with the artist’s dates and other exercises. It was transformative. And while it took me a while to get to my big dream of writing fiction, I did get there eventually. Without The Artist’s Way, writing fiction, and indeed writing in itself, probably wouldn’t have happened at all.

Thanks for the great insight Angela!



“Is it true she is….” Gevin blushed. “I mean, you are… magic?”

Ennara fumbled the wand as she turned it in her fingers. She scooped it off the floor. Her stomach knotted and her cheeks burned. “Oh, um, I guess.”

She nervously twirled the wand again, this time accidentally tapping the case of trinkets. A lavender light shimmered across the panes, and behind them the objects began to twitch.

“Eeep!” Ennara jumped as the severed hand crawled toward her and tapped on the glass. A long finger uncurled and poked the case open. The appendage leapt from the shelf to the chest, then the floor, and scurried to the door.

Smoos crouched on the lower bunk, wiggled her haunches, and pounced on the hand. She shook it back and forth in the air. It grabbed the cat’s snout and flicked her hard on the nose. She dropped the hand and snorted, rubbing her muzzle with her paw. The hand scampered away and hid behind the girl’s legs.

“You seem to have a penchant for necromancy, young lady.” Tork flicked his curvy black wand at the case. “Merta perape.”

The hand and other charms returned to their lifeless state.

“Ne … necromancy?” The word felt foreign in her mouth. She glanced at Kithe and Gevin. Both boys were fixed on her. Gevin’s mouth hung open.

“Yes. Bringing back the deceased. Creating walking dead. Giving life to the lifeless.”

But I didn’t say a spell!”



 Angela will be awarding to a randomly drawn commenter during each week on the tour, a wall calendar print from (Items can be exchanged for other equal or lesser value items from Ennara Swag on Cafepress.), and will award a t-shirt from to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour (US ONLY).

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway

The more you comment, the more chances you have!  Check out the rest of the stops on the tour HERE

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Book Tour ----- Blind Allegiance ----- Violetta Rand

It’s a risk of a lifetime loving a man you’re supposed to hate…

Betrayed by a brother she hardly trusted before the bloodthirsty Viking, Jarl Randvior Sigurdsson, attacks her home, Noelle Sinclair is conveniently bartered as a means to save her cowardly sibling’s skin. Forced to leave her homeland and accompany the petulant Viking to the untamed wilderness of central Norway, Noelle is ever-aware of the burgeoning dangers around her—including her weakening resolve to resist Randvior.

Should Noelle surrender to his resplendent charms and seduction, or fight with every ounce of strength she possesses to get home?



Violetta Rand holds a bachelor's degree in Environmental Policy and a master's degree in Environmental Management. Serving as an environmental scientist in the state of Alaska for over seven years, she enjoys the privilege of traveling to remote places few people have the opportunity to see.

Violetta has been "in love" with writing since childhood. Struck with an entrepreneurial spirit at a young age, at five, she wrote short stories illustrated by her best friend and sold them in her neighborhood. The only thing she loves more than writing is her wonderful relationship with her husband, Jeff. She enjoys outdoor activities, reading whatever she can get her hands on, music, and losing herself in the ancient worlds she enjoys bringing to life in the pages of her stories.



What books/authors inspired you to become a writer?

The first book to really grip my imagination as a child was a fantasy story, Shadow Castle by Marian Cockrell. I loved it and carried it with me wherever I went. It had beautiful illustrations. For my ninth birthday, I asked for two gifts, a thesaurus (weird) and Lord of the Rings. Every year, my brothers and sisters gathered in front of the television to watch the animated version of The Hobbit. I can’t express the effect it had on me. Reading Lord of the Rings altered my mind.
I’ve always written. Short stories and poetry at first, later, I wrote fantasy adventure in middle and high school. I used to pass around my handwritten stories to all the students and attached comment sheets to the folder.
At twenty, I submitted a manuscript to a small Texas publisher and was offered a contract. The company went bankrupt prior to its release date. I was heartbroken. Years after, I continued to only write poetry and short stories to share with friends and family.
Three years ago, cancer hit close to home. I needed an outlet for my frustration. I began reading more, in every genre, fiction and nonfiction. The Pillars of the Earth and World Without End (Ken Follett) resurrected the serious writer inside me. I began exploring the possibilities of getting published. I discovered romance.
It’s incredible to think I never read a romance novel until three years ago.
I went to the bookstore and randomly selected four novels. Need I say how fortunate I was to pick up Outlander (Diana Gabaldon) and books by Karen Marie Moning and Jackie Ivie? Historicals won my heart.
My debut novel, Blind Allegiance, incorporates all the inspiration I’ve received throughout my lifetime from friends and writers. Pieces of my soul are in those pages and possibly the spirit of the writers I so deeply admire.

Thanks for sharing that with us, it is always interesting to see how authors got their start! 



Cringing from his brutal words, Noelle finally burst. Through the blur of tears, she saw a warrior of tremendous proportion storm across the hall. He seized Brian’s arm and pried his fingers loose from her hair. She heard a loud snap as he curled Brian’s arm behind his back. Her brother stumbled and hollered, then dropped to his knees.

“Say it,” the colossal warrior demanded, visibly applying more pressure to his hand.

Brain tried to wrestle him down, but the stranger was larger and stronger—controlled him with little effort.

Although she detested her brother, her first instinct was to protect her own flesh and blood. Yet, it seemed a fitting punishment. Let Brian suffer the same mortification she felt whenever he embarrassed her, which happened too often.

Brain quit struggling. “Mercy,” he begged.

The Viking released him, and Brian staggered to his feet as gracelessly as a drunk.

“Is this how you treat your own kinswoman?” her rescuer asked.

“She’s faithless—no blood of mine. We’ve made our bargain Norseman, take her.”



Violetta will award a $25 Amazon Gift Card to one randomly drawn commenter.

Check out the rest of the stops HERE

Monday, June 24, 2013

Copper Cauldron --- Terri Talley Venters -- Review Tour


Penelope Manchester, a good witch with one green and one blue eye, awaits her destiny: a warrior of God with the face of an angel, the heart of a saint, and eyes which match her own. St. Michael the Archangel flies into her life and sweeps her off her feet. Meanwhile, an evil sorcerer captures witches, steals their powers and most of their nine lives, and shrinks them to the size of a doll--a Nürnberg, doll. But when he turns two of the Manchester witches into dolls, the Manchester clan fights back with St. Michael and divine intervention. Armed with the legendary copper cauldron, a fire breathing dragon, and an arsenal of spells, good battles evil.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Terri received her Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Master’s degree in Taxation from the University of Florida. She is a licensed CPA and a Second Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo. She lives in St. Augustine, Florida, with her husband, Garrison, and their two sons.

Terri is the daughter of Leslie S. Talley, author of Make Old Bones which is also available from Wild Child Publishing.

On the first of each month, Terri also posts free short stories on her website. Learn more about the books in her Elements of Mystery series at as she weaves her way through the Periodic Table of Elements.

Facebook Fan Page            Follow Terri on Twitter: 



“The battle against the devil, which is the principle task of St. Michael the archangel, is still being fought today because the devil is still alive and active in the world.”

--Pope John Paul II


“Can you tell me a bedtime story, Great-Grandma?” Penelope asked.

The nine-year old girl looked at her great-grandmother whose eyes matched her own, one blue and one green. She lay in her pink bedroom on the second floor of the ancestral mansion located in the Garden District of New Orleans. Penelope, born in this house, represented the seventh generation of Manchester Witches to live here.

“Of course, my dear. Which story would you like to hear? Or do I even need to ask?” Violet said, smiling.

“You know the one, my favorite,” Penelope answered. She laid her small head down. Her long black hair spread across the pillow.

“I love this story too. Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Penelope. Her beautiful long black hair hung to her tiny waist. Her pale skin gave her a beautiful, youthful complexion. She possessed the most unique and treasured eyes, one blue and one green. One day, she will meet her one true love, her soul mate, her destiny. He is a warrior of God, with the face of an angel, the heart of a saint, and eyes which match her own,” Violet said.

“Thank you, Great-Grandma. When are Mommy and Daddy coming home?” Penelope asked.

“Your parents are busy fighting bad people. I hope they’ll be home very soon.”

“Why didn’t Grandma Beatrice go with them this time?” Penelope asked.

“Beatrice wanted to stay behind and keep an eye on us,” Violet replied.

“Why do we have to keep our powers a secret?” Penelope asked.

“Because it scares people,” Violet said.

“Am I really the youngest Manchester Witch to receive her powers?” Penelope asked.

“Yes, you are. You will be a very powerful and very good witch. It is part of your destiny. Your true love will be very powerful too. But your children will be even more powerful than you,” Violet explained.

“When can we go see another Church of St. Michael?” Penelope asked. She looked over at the wall behind her great-grandmother. She stared at the painting of St. Michael the Archangel, her family’s patron saint.

“We just went to the one in Charleston. How many St. Michael’s churches do you want to visit?” Violet asked.

“I want to go to all of them.”

“What is your infatuation with St. Michael the Archangel?” Violet asked.

“He’s the one I’m going to marry. He is my destiny,” Penelope said, smiling as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.



Terri will be awarding bookmarks or magnetic bumper stickers to randomly drawn commenters at each stop and a $10 Wild Child Publishing GC to a randomly drawn commenter at the end of the tour.

Go check out the rest of the stops on the tour!  



This is one of the new paranormal books that will pique your interest and leave you wanting more.  While most people think of paranormal and want a Vampire, or a werewolf, this isn't the case.  Penelope is a young witch, with a blue and a green eye.  She is destined to be with a man who has the same eye colors, but she believes that he doesn't exist.  Her obsession with St. Michael is overwhelming.  She has been trying to visit all of the St. Michael Churches.  And she thinks she saw him at the latest one. Is that even possible?

Now there always has be a catch, or something that keeps 2 lovebirds apart, and we get that with our villain.  Marcus has been imprisoning witches like Penelope for ages.  He sucks their lives from their body and leaves them looking like dolls with only 1/8 of a life left.  His most prized possessions are the witches with l blue and 1 green eye.  Penelope and her cousin Cat walk right into his trap.  Luckily for them, Cat has a special ability that helps them get out of the sticky situation. 

I wondered what could the copper cauldron be so significant for.  Its introduced fairly early in the book, and I know what its used for, but unless Penelope needs it, then why else would it hold such a important spot as the title of the book.  We soon find out why since we get a look inside the ritual soon after Penelope meets her destiny.  I won't tell you whats its used for need to read the book and find out!

When Penelope meets her destiny, shes confused.  He doesn't have eyes like hers, but yet its love at first sight.  And then she just doesn't care about her destiny and chooses to love him anyways.  It isn't until our villain comes back into the  picture that he reveals that he has been concealing his green eye with a blue contact.  Everything has worked out for our happy couple! 

Marcus is determined to have Penelope and her husband as his most treasured possessions.  And he succeeds.  What he doesn't realize is that Penelope's special witch powers can help her kill him and free them from this fate as dolls.  Penelope and her husband are not out of the woods yet.  He doesn't come back to life after Marcus is killed.   Only true love can do that.

I thought this book was fantastic.  After reading so many paranormal books, its refreshing to be experiencing more and more without the typical characters.  It shows much creativity on the author's part.  Terri did a fantastic job, and she left me wanting for so much more.  I was sad when the book ended.  Its a good read, and its perfect for a YA crowd.  I cannot wait to read the next book in the Copper Cauldron series!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Sapphire City Book Tour --- Review

Welcome to the Sapphire City Blog tour!
Presented by Phenomenal Reviews and hosted by some fabulous blogs!
June 10-17

Book Description

Strange things happen on Nortica; people disappear and voices call from the ocean. For Stella Shaw, things are about to get even more weird.

Welcome to Nortica. Population: ten.
After her latest run-in with the police, Stella’s mom takes her back to her childhood home, the island Nortica. But they find it much different than the stories Mom told. Most of the people have disappeared and the ones left are really weird. 

When her mom turns out to be the next victim of the island, Stella is forced into a dangerous race to find her while learning the secrets that the ocean holds

What people are saying about Sapphire City!

"A different kind of ending for sure, Nice story! I knew I had it figured out, til I read the next page! Hopefully the sequel comes out soon!" ~ MPR1

"I felt compelled to keep reading, desperate to find out what happened next." ~ R. Kight

 "The story ended so perfect. I kept waiting for another twist." ~ Jess


Amy Richie was born in a small northern Ohio town where she grew up and lives there still with her three children. She comes from a large family with an even larger extended family. In 2012, Amy joined up with Anchor Group Publishing and now has two series started. The Immortal Love Series and The Blood Vine Series, a new YA. Amy writes things that are not of this world; either paranormal or fantasy. Vampires, werewolves, mermaids, time travel, ghosts, and even garden gnomes. To find out more about Amy Richie or her books visit her at .
Where you can find her

Follow the tour!
10th-BlissfulBook Reviews-- Promo

11th- The Writing World -Interview

12th- Novel Words by Jessica-   Promo

13th Wendy's Bookcase- Promo

14th- Page Flipperz -Promo

15th- J.P Grider  -  Review
15th- A_TiffyFit's Reading Corner-  Review


So, I was able to have a chance to sit down and finish reading once all of our household goods got shipped, we traveled for 4 days and we got set up, and now finally I am able to put up my review.  
This book was phenomenal.  What else is there to say? The writing was fantastic.  The story was great, and it kept my interest. 

When you are looking for a book that has a fresh take on something that we all love, mermaids, you wonder how its going to be incorporated in a way you haven't thought of before.  I wasn't sure what to expect with Sapphire City, but I knew from looking at the cover, that it was about a mermaid.  I don't spoil myself with the excerpts or blurbs before I read, it spoils it for me.  
I really think that Stella did a Stellar job with dealing with the challenges that she faced, and that in the end, she came out a great girl.  Now, I don't really like to post a ton of spoilers with my reviews, or re-write the book, so I keep it short and simple.  
This is a great book for a young adult reader.  The language was clean and you weren't reading alot of smut.  I would recommend this book for a 9-12th grader.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Book Tour --- Music For My Soul --- Lauren Linwood


As the third wife of an abusive French vineyard owner, Madeleine Bouchard hasn’t produced the expected heir after three years of marriage. Fearing he plans to kill her, she flees during a trip to England. Unable to make her way home, she joins a troupe of traveling mummers and reinvents herself as the only woman troubadour in the land, captivating audiences with both song and story.

Nobleman Garrett Montayne’s fascination with Madeleine causes him to pay the troupe to bypass their next stop in order to journey to his estate. Though he suspects Madeleine of being a thief with dark secrets, love blossoms between them under the magical moon of summer solstice.

But Madeleine’s past is about to catch up with her, as her husband is set to arrive to conduct business with Garrett. Madeleine determines to free herself from her loveless marriage and make a new life with Garrett, no matter what the cost.


 Stolen Moments with Two Famous Authors … 

and Two Books That Made a Different

I am a writer. A romance writer. But long before I began penning my stories, I was a reader. I don’t remember a time I couldn’t – or didn’t – read. I enjoyed so many genres and a variety of authors. When I decided to take the plunge and share the voices in my head and their stories, I knew it was important to learn my craft, so I joined a local RWA chapter and began attending workshops.

Two authors I met at different conferences inspired me from short, simple conversations we shared together.

The first was Susan Elizabeth Phillips. I loved her characters because they were so relate-able. The heroines showed spunk. Plus, she always threw in a dash of humor that brought a smile to my face and made a great book even better. I entered the room where her workshop would be held. As always, I was early. The teacher in me, I suppose. I always want to be situated, in a great seat, and ready to rock and roll when a speaker begins.

And I found Ms. Phillips the only person in the room, twenty minutes before “Show Time.” Preparing. Setting up. Mentally walking through things. Then her job complete, she turned and smiled at me. This incredibly well-known author proved to be the easiest person to talk with – funny, unpretentious, and charming. We discovered not only did we both like to be early and prepared, but we both were teachers. Rather, she had been a teacher before becoming wildly successful and quitting her day job to write full-time. In the minutes we spent together, we shared a few laughs over school stories and talked about the process of writing. I walked out that day understanding that yes, writers are still people, too. Although a best-selling novelist, this woman was a normal person who took a few minutes and graciously spoke with a beginner. Her kind words and encouragement helped me push myself to one day publish a book of my own.

At another workshop, I met a favorite historical romance author. Maggie Osborne was sitting with a gentleman at a table before the conference began. No one was within ten tables of them, quaking in the presence of greatness. I recognized her from her book jackets and though I didn’t want to gush like a teenager with a crush, I did go over to tell her how much I admired her work and aspired to write and publish my own historical romances someday. She asked me to join her and her husband.

So we chatted for about twenty minutes as the tables filled in around us and the chapter president finally stood and introduced Maggie. Yes, by then we were on a first-name basis, and she seemed a little miffed that our conversation had been interrupted. But I left that day with wonderful advice from her. She told me they lived in a small town in Colorado, and it took over half an hour just to drive into a larger one to stock up on groceries and run errands. She would discuss with her husband events happening in her latest work in progress as they traveled to and from their home.

She told me that after setting up a scene, she would ask him, “So what do you suppose will happen next?” He’d tell her, and she’d press him a few more times, wanting to see what he came up with as the next logical thing that might occur. She said her rule of thumb was never, ever to use the first three things that came to his mind. If he thought of them, then countless readers out there would also think of the same things. She wanted to surprise her readers and treat them to something that they wouldn’t expect. I try to follow her advice as I write every time. What should happen next? Then after I arrive at a few conclusions, I go in a totally opposite direction!

When I joined a critique group, one of the members lent me her copy of Anne Lamont’s Bird by Bird. This down-to-earth book for writers gave encouragement, often with wit and humor. Ms. Lamont gave a writer permission to be discouraged. To not be too hard on yourself. But to always, always, always practice self-discipline. She gave practical advice on all aspects of writing and a writer’s life. Two quotes I love from it?

     “I know some great writers, writers you love who write beautifully and have made a great
      deal of money, and not one of them sits down routinely feeling wildly enthusiastic and
      confident. Not one of them writes elegant first drafts. All right, one of them does, but we do
      not like her very much.”

     “Then, with your fingers poised on the keyboard, you squint at an image that is forming in
       your mind – a scene, a locale, a character, whatever – and you try to quiet your mind so
      you can hear what that landscape or character has to say above the other voices in your

Reading these words helped me understand that writing is as much about thinking and listening before ever getting anything down on paper, plus it gave me permission to understand that what first gets down won’t necessarily even be good – but it’s down to play with, to revise and edit, to dance with until it is shaped and formed into something that is good.

A second influential book that my husband gave me is Stephen King’s On Writing. It is an absolute MUST for any writer. I’d loved Uncle Stevie’s novels from the beginning. He put ordinary people into extraordinary circumstances and suspended belief from what was to what could be. This book is partly an autobiography, with the other half teaching fundamentals of the craft of writing. His advice is friendly, inspiring, and entertaining as he shares the basic tools of the writing trade and explains how to sharpen and then multiply them through use. His practical words covered everything from how to develop good work habits to how to shape plot and character. When he wrote, “Story is a fossil you find on the ground, and you gradually dig it out slowly,” my light bulb moment occurred.

He also used quotes from other familiar books to illustrate his points, so it was easy to connect with his advice. I also understood when he said, “Let’s get one thing clear right now, shall we? There is no Idea Dump, no Story Central, no Island of the Buried Bestsellers; good story ideas seem to come quite literally from nowhere, sailing at you right out of the empty sky: two previously unrelated ideas come together and make something new under the sun. Your job isn’t to find these ideas but to recognize them when they show up.” That advice kept me alert and fresh, and I constantly look for new ideas in the oddest places. He’s right, though … they DO turn up at the most unusual moments.

I still read voraciously, everything from Harlan Coben to Amanda Quick. I enjoy being a reader, but as I venture deeper into this writing career, I feel I’ve found a home.

Thanks so much Lauren for the WONDERFUL insight! 



As a child, Lauren Linwood gathered her neighborhood friends together and made up stories for them to act out, her first venture into creating memorable characters. Following her passion for history and love of learning, she became a teacher who began writing on the side to maintain her sanity in a sea of teenage hormones.

Lauren’s novels focus on two of her favorite eras, medieval times and the American Old West. History is the backdrop that places her characters in extraordinary circumstances, where their intense desire and yearning for one another grows into the deep, tender, treasured gift of love.

Lauren, a native Texan, lives in a Dallas suburb with her family. An avid reader, moviegoer, and sports fan, she manages stress by alternating yoga with five mile walks. She is thinking about starting a support group for Pinterest and House Hunters addicts.

Keep in contact with Lauren through her various sites: | | FACEBOOK | TWITTER

Buy this book on AMAZON



Garrett peered into the angry face of the woman who haunted his dreams by night and left him absent-minded by day. Their encounter had been brief, but he doubted he had ever met a more remarkable woman than the bewitching creature before him.
Her honeyed hair, loosened from its intricate braid, curled around her shoulders. Tiny beads of sweat had formed just above her upper lip. Without thinking, Garrett reached his thumb toward her and wiped it away. She flinched slightly, her dark, amethyst eyes glowering up at him.
Garrett smiled and offered a hand to pull her to her feet. He had forgotten how very tall she was as she stared at him, her cheeks flushed with anger.
“Perhaps we could arrange a trade?” he suggested.
She eyed him suspiciously. “I’m not sure if I trust you, my lord,” she countered.
“Trust me?” he sputtered. “This, from the woman who traipsed about the countryside claiming to be my wife?”
“I chose a bloody awful name to scare away anyone who accosted me on the road! How was I to know I’d run into you?” She snorted in an unladylike fashion. “I had heard tales of the wicked Lord Montayne, how he frightened old and young alike and gobbled up babes for his dinner. Why, the very mention of his name would cause grown men to plead for their lives and their loved ones. Oh, no, my lord, I was an honest liar. You were the one who resorted to trickery and hid your true identity from me."


Lauren will be awarding a $25 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour.


Check out the other stops on the tour HERE

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you again!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Book Blast --- Dark Musicals Trilogy --- Laura DeLuca

Phantom, Dark Musicals Book #1:

The “Phantom” was a musical phenomenon that Rebecca had always found enchanting. She had no idea that her life was about to mirror the play that was her obsession. When her high school drama club chooses “Phantom” as their annual production, Rebecca finds herself in the middle of an unlikely love triangle and the target of a sadistic stalker who uses the lines from the play as their calling card.

Rebecca lands the lead role of Christine, the opera diva, and like her character, she is torn between her two co-stars—Tom the surfer and basketball star who plays the lovable hero, and Justyn, the strangely appealing Goth who is more than realistic in the role of the tortured artist.

Almost immediately after casting, strange things start to happen both on and off the stage. Curtains fall. Mirrors are shattered. People are hurt in true phantom style. They all seem like accidents until Rebecca receives notes and phone calls that hint at something more sinister. Is Justyn bringing to life the twisted character of the phantom? Or in real life are the roles of the hero and the villain reversed? Rebecca doesn’t know who to trust, but she knows she’s running out of time as she gets closer and closer to opening night. Only when the mask is stripped away, will the twenty first century phantom finally be revealed


Demon, Book Two

When Justyn and Rebecca set off for the New York School of Performing Arts, they think their dreams are about to come true. To their dismay, they aren’t in high school anymore, and the competition is steep. Rebecca must compete against accomplished singers for a role in the production of Demon Barber, including a stunning Gothic diva with her sights set on Justyn

It doesn't help that things keep disappearing from their apartment or that Rebecca's father refuses to accept that Justyn is an essential part of her life. Yet, all this seems minimal in comparison to the serial rapist terrorizing the campus.

Consumed by fear and obsessed with revenge, Rebecca and Justyn start living the story of Sweeney Todd—both on and off the stage.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Laura “Luna” DeLuca lives at the beautiful Jersey shore with her husband and four children. She loves writing in the young adult genre because it keeps her young at heart.  In addition to writing fiction, Laura is also the editor of a popular review blog called New Age Mama. She is an active member of her local pagan community, and has been studying Wicca for close to eight years.  Her current works include Destiny, Destiny Unveiled, Phantom, Morrigan, Player, and Demon.

Social Media Links:

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If  you haven't read the first book in the series, now is a great time to get your copy. To celebrate the release of Demon, Phantom is now on sale for only $1.99 exclusively on Amazon!

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Buy Links for Demon

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Excerpt from Demon

Rebecca unwound the silver ribbon. When she lifted the lid, she found two matching pendants, each laced to a long hemp chain. They were shaped sort of like seashells, with an endless spiral pattern that looped out from the center as the chambers grew larger. They were dark brown in color with a few hints of tan along the edges. The stones had been polished and smoothed on both sides, but when she lifted them, she could see that the two pieces fit together perfectly. She swore the halves fought to snap together, like magnets in her hand. There was an energy pulsing and vibrating within the stones that even a novice witch like Rebecca could feel.
“They’re beautiful,” Rebecca whispered as she ran her hand along the intricate grooves.
“It’s an ammonite.” Justyn lifted one of the pendants, brushed her hair to the side, and hooked the clasp around her neck. His breath tickled her skin as his hands moved with graceful dexterity, giving her goose bumps despite the humid August night. “They’re actually fossils that are millions of years old, named after Ammon, an ancient Egyptian deity. When they’re divided in half, they’re perfect mirrors of one another. Some cultures believe that if the two halves are given to lovers, it will bind them together forever. When made into necklaces, they’re often called soul mate pendants.”
“Wo-wow,” Rebecca stuttered. As usual, the sentiment behind Justyn’s gift was even more beautiful than the gift itself. It left her a little flustered. “That’s amazing. How do you know all this stuff?”
“You don’t spend eighteen years living with Darlene without learning a thing or two.”
Rebecca laughed. Justyn’s mother Darlene was definitely something special. EMT, exotic belly dancer, and Wiccan High Priestess were only a few of the titles she claimed. Rebecca knew she was a fountain of earth-based knowledge after years of studying the Craft. As Darlene’s new apprentice, Rebecca greedily dipped into that knowledge herself as often as possible.
“It’s beautiful,” Rebecca repeated, too overcome with emotion to think of anything more eloquent to say. “You certainly know how to make things interesting.”
“Like I told you on our first date, I try not to be boring.” He winked at her. “So … are you going to put mine on for me?”
“Oh yeah … sorry.”
Rebecca giggled as she lifted the hemp chain. She wasn’t nearly as graceful as Justyn. She almost dropped the necklace in the sand three times before she managed to get the clasp locked. When she finally had it secured, he placed his hand over her heart, where the ammonite lay. He did the same with her hands, lifting them to his chest. His dark eyes had lost all glimmer of humor. He met her gaze with a stare filled with genuine emotion. Beneath her fingers, she could feel the gentle, steady rhythm of his heart beating in perfect tune with her own.
“Our love will span both space and time. In this life and the next, you shall be mine. All eternity I will be by your side. For a love so strong cannot be denied. Spirit and flesh merged into one. So mote it be, for all days to come.”
When he was done with the recitation, he kissed her. Not just a gentle brush, but a deep, passionate embrace that left her throat tight and her heart pounding with a familiar  yearning.
“I’ve never heard that poem before,” she said once she’d caught her breath. “Who are you quoting?”
Even in the moonlight, she could see him blush. “I guess I was quoting myself. It was really more of an incantation than a poem though. These necklaces are meant to be a symbol of our love, and it seemed a little spell work could only add to the power of the stones. There is power in words, Becca. Just like there is power in nature.”
“You mean, you wrote that?”
He nodded, but his eyes twinkled, and the playfulness was back in his voice. “Well, actually, I just made it up as I went along.”
“Wow. Actor, singer, and now an improv poet slash chant writer. Is there anything you can’t do, Lord Justyn?”
He smiled and tilted her chin so he could look into her eyes. “I can’t stop loving you.”



 Laura will be awarding to a US Only Winner: a signed copy of Phantom with original cover, crystal geode, rough crystal point, stone pendant, sterling silver pentacle pendant, mini Buddha figurine, smudge stick with abalone shell, 2 Gothic style key chains, incense set with leaf holder and lavender purification bath salts.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out the other stops on the tour HERE